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In the evening the restaurant is served
the A 'La Carte menu
Scallop with gooseberries and pink pepper
140 kr.
Stracciatella (fresh cheese)
with spring onions and peas
140 kr.
Tatar with Lobster
and rose hips
140 kr.
Main courses :
Lamb with corn
and plums
265 kr.
Turbot with mushrooms
and cabbage
275 kr.cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
Pig with carrots
and garlic
250 kr.
for the main courses:
Danish potatoes turned in browned butter and herbs
35 kr.
Strawberries with lemon, verbena and vanilla ice cream
110 kr.
Apple with tarragon
and white chocolate
120 kr.
3 kinds of Danish cheeses
with sweet and crispy
135 kr.
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